Chapter 12: Program Application 201Chapter 12: Program Application 201
ColorBlack, ColorBlue, ColorRed, ColorMagenta,
ColorGreen, ColorCyan, ColorYellow
I/O - Color
Function: Used as arguments of certain commands to
specify colors.
Description: The following commands use these
arguments: DrawShade, DrawGraph, TangentLine,
NormalLine, Inverse, Plot, PlotOn, PlotChg, Line,
Circle, Vertical, Horizontal, Text, PxlOn, PxlChg,
Print, Locate, SetGraphColor, SetSketchColor
Example: Text 10, 10, "CASIO", ColorBlue
CopyVar Misc - Variable
Syntax: CopyVarⅪ<source variable name>, <copy
destination variable name>
• Copies the contents of a variable to another
• If the copy destination variable has the same
name as the source variable name, the destination
variable is replaced with the source variable.
Cross Misc - Statistics(2)
Function: Used as a StatGraph command argument
to specify an option. See StatGraph.
CubicReg (CubicR)
Misc - Statistics(1) - Regression
Syntax: CubicRegⅪ
xList, yList[,[FreqList (or 1)]
[, [<yn>][,{On ; Off}]]]
Function: Performs
y = a·x
+ b·x
+ c·x + d
Description: See SinReg.
DateMode360 k
Syntax: DateMode360
Function: Specifies a 360-day year for financial
DateMode365 k
Syntax: DateMode365
Function: Specifies a 365-day year for financial
Default Ctrl - Switch
See Switch~Case~Default~SwitchEnd.
DefaultListEditor Misc - Statistics(2)
Syntax: DefaultListEditor
Function: Initializes the sort sequence and display
contents of the list on the Stat Editor window (list1 to
DefaultSetup Misc - Setup(1)
Syntax: DefaultSetup
Function: Initializes all setup data settings.
Define Ctrl - Misc
Syntax: DefineⅪ[<folder name>\ ]<function
name> ([<variable name>[,<variable name>...]])
• If you do not specify a folder name, the function is
stored in the current folder.
Function: Creates a user-defined function.
Description: See “To create a user-defined function
using the Define command” on page 196.
DelFolder Misc - Variable - Folder
Syntax: DelFolderⅪ<folder name>
Function: Deletes a folder.
DelVar Misc - Variable
Syntax: DelVarⅪ<variable name>,
<variable name> ...
Function: Deletes a variable.
Description: Deletes all variables, regardless of type
(program, etc.), that have the specified variable name.
See GetType for information about variable types.
DispDfrTbl I/O - Display
Syntax: DispDfrTbl
Function: Creates and displays an arithmetic
sequence table.
DispDQTbl I/O - Display
Syntax: DispDQTbl
Function: Creates and displays a progression of
difference table.
DispFibTbl I/O - Display
Syntax: DispFibTbl
Function: Creates and displays a Fibonacci sequence
DispFTable I/O - Display
Syntax: DispFTable
Function: Creates and displays a function table.
DispListEditor I/O - Display
Syntax: DispListEditor
Function: Displays the Stat Editor window.
DispQutTbl I/O - Display
Syntax: DispQutTbl
Function: Creates and displays a geometric sequence
DispSeqTbl I/O - Display
Syntax: DispSeqTbl
Function: Creates and displays a recursion table.
DispSmryTbl I/O - Display
Syntax: DispSmryTbl
Function: Creates and displays a summary table.