
Chapter 7: Statistics Application 147
Poisson Cumulative Distribution .... [Distribution] - [Poisson CD]
Calculates the cumulative probability in a Poisson distribution that success will occur on or before a specified
0713 To calculate Poisson cumulative probability for the data below and graph the result
Lower bound: 2 Upper bound: 3 Mean: 2.26
Inverse Poisson Cumulative Distribution .... [Inv. Distribution] - [Inverse Poisson CD]
Calculates the minimum number of trials of a Poisson cumulative probability distribution for
specified values.
0714 To calculate inverse Poisson cumulative distribution for the data below and graph the result
Poisson cumulative probability: 0.8074 Mean: 2.26
Geometric Distribution Probability .... [Distribution] - [Geometric PD]
Calculates the probability in a geometric distribution that the success will
occur on a specified trial.
(x = 1, 2, 3, ...)
p: probability of success (0 s p s 1)
Geometric Cumulative Distribution .... [Distribution] - [Geometric CD]
Calculates the cumulative probability in a geometric distribution that the success will occur on or before a
specified trial.
Inverse Geometric Cumulative Distribution .... [Inv. Distribution] - [Inverse Geo CD]
Calculates the minimum number of trials of a geometric cumulative probability distribution for
specified values.
Hypergeometric Distribution Probability .... [Distribution] - [Hypergeometric PD]
Calculates the probability in a hypergeometric distribution that the success will occur on a
specified trial.
Hypergeometric Cumulative Distribution .... [Distribution] - [Hypergeometric CD]
Calculates the cumulative probability in a hypergeometric distribution that the
success will occur on or before a specified trial.
Inverse Hypergeometric Cumulative Distribution .... [Inv. Distribution] - [Inverse Hypergeometric]
Calculates the minimum number of trials of a hypergeometric cumulative probability
distribution for specified values.
= 1