Chapter 12: Program Application 214Chapter 12: Program Application 214
StatGraph Misc - Statistics(1)
Syntax 1: StatGraphⅪ<StatGraph number 1 to 9>,
{On ; Off}, Graph Type 1,
xList, yList, FreqList (or 1),
Plot Type
Syntax 2: StatGraphⅪ<StatGraph number 1 to 9>,
{On ; Off}, Graph Type 2,
xList, yList, FreqList (or 1)
Syntax 3: StatGraphⅪ<StatGraph number 1 to 9>,
{On ; Off}, Graph Type 3,
xList, yList
Syntax 4: StatGraphⅪ<StatGraph number 1 to 9>,
{On ; Off}, Graph Type 4,
xList, FreqList (or 1)
Syntax 5: StatGraphⅪ<StatGraph number 1 to 9>,
{On ; Off}, Graph Type 5,
xList, Plot Type
Function: Configures statistical graph settings.
xList: Name of list for storing x-axis data
yList: Name of list for storing y-axis data
FreqList: Name of list for storing frequency of “
and “yList” data
Graph Type 1: Scatter,
Graph Type 2: LinearR, MedMed, QuadR, CubicR,
QuartR, LogR, ExpR, abExpR, PowerR
Graph Type 3: SinR, LogisticR
Graph Type 4: Histogram, MedBox, ModBox,
NDist, Broken
Graph Type 5: NPPlot
Plot Type: Square, Cross, Dot, Ldot
StatGraphSel Misc - Statistics(1)
Syntax: StatGraphSelⅪ{On ; Off} {,"Reg," ; ,"Graph"}
Function: Turns statistical graphing on or off.
• “Reg” selects Previous Reg.
• “Graph” selects Graph Function.
• Skipping “Reg” and “Graph” turns StatGraph,
Previous Reg, and Graph Function on or off.
Step Ctrl - For
See For~To~(Step~)Next.
StepDisp Misc - Setup(4)
Function: Used as a SetSequence command
argument to specify an option. See SetSequence.
StoGMem Misc - Graph&Table(2)
Syntax: StoGMemⅪ{<variable name> ; <folder name\
file name>}
Function: Assigns a name to GMem data (graph
expression and related information) and stores it.
Description: A folder path can be specified only up to
one level.
Stop Ctrl - Control
Syntax: Stop
Function: Terminates program execution.
Description: This command terminates all program
execution, including that of the main program when a
subroutine program is running.
StoPict Misc - Graph&Table(2)
Syntax: StoPictⅪ<picture name>
Function: Assigns a name to a Pict image and stores
StoVWin Misc - Graph&Table(2)
Syntax: StoVWinⅪ{<variable name> ; <folder name\
file name>}
Function: Assigns a name to View Window values
and stores them.
Description: A folder path can be specified only up to
one level.
StrCmp Misc - String(1)
Syntax: StrCmpⅪ"<string 1>", "<string 2>", <storage
variable name>
Function: Compares "<string 1>" and "<string
2>" (character code comparison) and assigns the
resulting value to the specified variable.
• Returns 0 when "<string 1>" = "<string 2>".
• Returns 1 when "<string 1>" > "<string 2>".
• Returns –1 when "<string 1>" < "<string 2>".
StrInv Misc - String(1)
Syntax: StrInvⅪ"<string>", <storage variable name>
Function: Inverts the sequence of a string and assigns
the resulting string to a variable.
StrJoin Misc - String(1)
Syntax: StrJoinⅪ"<string 1>", "<string 2>", <storage
variable name>
Function: Joins "<string 1>" and "<string 2>" and then
assigns the resulting string to the specified variable.
StrLeft Misc - String(1)
Syntax: StrLeftⅪ"<string>",
n, <storage variable
Function: Copies a string up to the
nth character
from the left, and assigns the resulting string to the
specified variable.
StrLen Misc - String(1)
Syntax: StrLenⅪ"<string>", <storage variable name>
Function: Determines the length of a string (the
number of its characters) and assigns the resulting
value to the specified variable.