Chapter 2: Main Application 46
2-2 Using the Calculation History
The Main application work area calculation history can contain up to 30 expression/result pairs. You can look
up a previous calculation, edit, and then re-calculate it, if you want.
• Use the scroll bar or scroll buttons to scroll the work area window up and down. This brings current calculation
history contents into view.
• You can edit a calculation expression in the calculation history and then re-calculate the resulting expression.
Pressing E re-calculates the expression where the cursor is currently located, and also re-calculates all of
the expressions below the current cursor location.
0209 To change the expression “ans × 2” to “ans × 3” in the example, and then re-calculate
• To re-calculate only a single specific line, tap 7. Tapping 7 re-calculates the calculation where the cursor is currently
located only. It does not affect anything in calculation history that comes before or after the line.
• To re-calculate all of the expressions in the calculation history, locate the cursor in the top line, and then press E.
u To delete part of the calculation history contents
1. Move the cursor to the expression line or result line of the two-line unit you want to delete.
2. Tap [Edit] and then [Delete].
Even if the result of the deleted two-line unit has an effect on subsequent calculations, the affected calculations
are not updated automatically following the deletion. When you want to update everything in the calculation
history following the deleted unit, move the cursor to a line that is above the one you deleted and then press
u To clear all calculation history contents
Tap [Edit] and then [Clear All]. In response to the confirmation message that appears, tap [OK].
2-3 Function Calculations
This section explains how to perform function calculations in the Main application work area.
• You do not need to input the closing parenthesis that comes immediately before an E key operation. All of
the calculation examples in this section omit the closing parentheses before E.
• The following example calculations are all performed using the Decimal mode. Using the Standard mode
causes results to be displayed as fractions.
Angle Conversion (°,
The first two examples use “Degree” (indicated by “Deg” in the status bar) as the angle unit setting. The final
example uses “Radian” (indicated by “Rad” in the status bar) as the angle unit setting. Note that using the
wrong angle unit setting will make it impossible to produce correct calculation results.
u To change the angle unit setting
1. On the O menu, tap [Basic Format].
2. Tap the [Angle] down arrow button, and then select [Radian], [Degree] or [Grad].
• You can also change the angle unit setting by tapping the current setting (Rad, Deg, or Gra) on the status
bar. Each tap will cycle through the available settings.