Chapter 2: Main Application 56
2-5 Matrix and Vector Calculations
This section explains how to create matrices, and how to perform basic matrix calculations.
Tip: Since a vector can be viewed as 1-row by n -column matrix or n -row by 1-column matrix, this section does not include
explanations specifically about vectors. For more information about vector-specific calculations, see the explanations
about the applicable [Action] menu items in “2-7 Using the Action Menu”.
Inputting Matrix Data
You can input matrix values in a single line in the work area, or input matrix values using an actual on-screen
Inputting Matrix Values in a Single Line
0219 To input the matrix
1 2
3 4
and assign it to the variable “mat1” in the Main application work area
Matrix Variable Element Operations
You can recall the value of any element of a matrix variable. You can also assign a value to any element in a
0220 To recall the value in row 2, column 1 of the matrix variable “mat1” of example 0219
To assign 5 to the element at row 1, column 2 of “mat1”
Inputting Matrix Values Using an Actual On-Screen Matrix
• Create a new 1-row × 2-column matrix ...................................................................................................... 6
• Create a new 2-row × 1-column matrix ...................................................................................................... 7
• Create a new 2-row × 2-column matrix ..................................................................................................... 8
• Add a column to the currently displayed matrix ......................................................................................... 6
• Add a row to the currently displayed matrix ............................................................................................... 7
• Add both a row and column to the currently displayed matrix ................................................................... 8
0222 To input the matrix
1 2 3
4 5 6
and assign it to the variable “mat2”
Performing Matrix Calculations
This section provides examples of how to perform the most basic types of matrix calculations.
Matrix Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division
0223 To calculate
1 1
2 1
2 3
2 1
in a single line
0224 To calculate
1 1
2 1
2 3
2 1
using an actual on-screen matrix
0225 To multiply the matrix
1 2
3 4
by 5