Chapter 13: Spreadsheet Application 231
3. Select the color you want and then tap [OK].
• This will change the point to the color you selected.
• Since there is a check mark next to [Color Link] on the [Edit] - [Format] menu, the corresponding data on
the Spreadsheet window will also change to the selected color.
• Changing the [Color Link] setting to either enabled (check mark next to it on the [Edit] - [Format] menu) or disabled (no
check mark) while a graph is displayed will cause the graph to be redrawn in accordance with the newly selected enabled/
disabled setting.
• When Color Link is enabled, the relationship between data text color and the graph color is as described below for each
type of graph.
Line Graph, Column graph, Bar graph: The color of each data’s first character (first row character in the case of Column
Series, first column character in the case of Row Series) is applied as the color of the applicable portion (line, column,
bar) of graph.
Scatter graph: When plotting a scatter graph of multiple different data series, the text color of the
y-value of each data
pair is used as the color of points plotted for the
y-value. The text colors of x-values are ignored. When plotting a
scatter graph of a single data series (selecting [Graph] - [Column Series] to graph a single column of data or [Graph] -
[Row Series] to graph a single row of data) a point plotted on the graph will be the same color as the character color of
the corresponding data item. When the [Lines] item of the [View] menu is enabled (indicated by a check mark next to
it) on the Graph window, the color of a line is the same as the final rightmost point.
Histogram, Box Whisker: Histograms and box whiskers are always drawn using colors selected by ClassPad, regardless
of the current Color Link enabled/disabled setting.
Pie graph: The text color of each data item is used as the color of the pie piece that represents the data on the graph.
Spreadsheet Graph Window-Specific Menus and Buttons
• Change the color of a graph part selected on the Graph window .................................................. Edit - Style
• Deleted the regression graph selected on the Graph window .....................................................Edit - Delete
• Clear all regression graphs on the Graph window
(except for graphs drawn using the [Graph] menu) .............................................................Edit - Clear All
• Change the function of the stylus so it can be used to select
and move points on the displayed graph .....................................................................View - Select or G
• Pan the graph window ......................................................................................................... View - Pan or T
• Adjust the size of the display image so it fills the display ........................................ View - Zoom to Fit or R
• Toggle display of axes and coordinate values on or off ..........................................View - Toggle Axes or q
• Toggle line graph and scatter graph plot markers on or off .....................................................View - Markers
• Toggle line graph and scatter graph connecting lines on or off ................................................... View - Lines
• Change the graph type (pages 232 through 234) ...........From Type - Line (D) to Type - Box Whisker ( 1)
• Switch between row and column for handling one group of graphed data (page 229)
.............................................................................................. Type - Row Series / Type - Column Series
• Draw a regression graph and display regression calculation results (page 234)
..............................From Calc - Regression - Linear Reg (d) to Calc - Regression - Logistic Reg (6)
• Show or hide (check box) of calculation results
when the regression graph draw command is selected ......................................................Calc - DispStat
• Convert the data of the selected column to a line graph ...................................................... Calc - Line or z
• Convert the data of the selected line to a column graph .................................................Calc - Column or '
• Set bin width for a histogram ................................................................................................. Calc - Bin Width
• Show outlying data for box whisker graph ......................................................................Calc - Show Outliers
Tip: The View menu Zoom Box (Q), Zoom In (W), and Zoom Out (E) commands are the same as the Graph &
Table application Box, Zoom In, and Zoom Out commands on the Zoom menu. For more information about these
commands, see “Chapter 3: Graph & Table Application”.