Chapter 7: Statistics Application 129
2. Input the data you want.
• You can input values, formulas, or variable names. If you input a formula, the value of the calculation result
will be input into the list. If you input a variable name, the value currently assigned to the variable (or the
variable name itself in the case of an undefined variable) will be input into the list.
• After you input a formula into a cell, the calculation result will be displayed as a decimal value or a fraction
in accordance with the “Decimal Calculation” setting of the Basic Format dialog box (page 34).
3. Press E to store the data in the cell.
• Inputting a formula that includes a list (page 55) into a “Cal'” line and then pressing E will cause the calculation result
list data to replace the contents currently in the list being input. For example, inputting {1,2,3}^2 into the “Cal'” line of list1
and then pressing E will cause list1 to be overwritten with {1,4,9}. Any data previously in list1 is lost.
• A list can contain up to 9,999 rows.
• A locked variable (page 28) causes the b icon to be displayed in the “Cal'” line, which cannot be edited.
u To create a list
1. On the Stat Editor window, tap a list name cell to select it.
2. Enter up to eight bytes for the list name you want, and then press E.
• This creates a list variable with the name you specified. After that, you can input data using the procedure
under “To input data into a list”.
• If you enter a list name that is already used for another list, pressing E displays the contents of that list.
u To open an existing list
1. On the Stat Editor window, select the list name cell of the column where you want the list you will open to
• Instead of the above operation, you could also select any cell in the column where you want the list you will
open to appear and then tap [Edit] - [Open List].
2. Enter the variable name of the list you want to open, and then press E.
• If you enter a variable name that does not match the names of any of the existing lists in step 1, a new list
will be created using the name you entered.
u To close a list
Select the list name cell of the column of the list you want to close, and then press KE.
Or, select any cell of the list you want to close, and then tap [Edit] - [Close List].
• This operation clears the list from the display only. The list is still stored as a list variable in memory, and can
be opened when you need it again.
Menus and Buttons Used for List Editing
• Jump to line 1 of the current list ........................................................................................... Edit - Jump - Top
• Jump to the line after the last line of the current list ........................................................ Edit - Jump - Bottom
• Sort list data ascending ......................................................................................Edit - Sort - Ascending or L
• Sort list data descending ................................................................................. Edit - Sort - Descending or :
• Delete a cell ............................................................................................................. Edit - Delete - Cell or H
• Delete all of the data in a list .............................................................................. Edit - Delete - Column or J
• Delete a list from memory .....................................................................................Edit - Delete - List Variable
• Insert a cell into a list ................................................................................................... Edit - Insert Cell or K
• Select all the text in the currently selected cell ....................................................................... Edit - Select All