Chapter 13: Spreadsheet Application 227
Copying or Cutting Cells and Pasting Them to Another Location
Use the procedures below to copy or cut one cell or multiple cells, and then paste them to another cell or cells.
For information about what happens when you copy or cut cells that include cell references and paste them to
another location, see “Relative Cell Reference” (page 223).
u To copy or cut a single cell and paste it to another cell or cells
1. Tap the cell that you want to copy or cut.
2. Tap [Edit] - [Copy] (or [Cut]).
3. Tap the cell (or drag across the range of cells) to which you want to paste the cell you copied or cut.
4. Tap [Edit] - [Paste].
• This will paste content of the cell your copied or cut, including formatting (bold, calculation/text data type,
text color, fill color).
• If you selected a range of cells in step 3, the same content will be pasted to all of the selected cells. Note,
however that if the cell you copied or cut included a relative cell reference (such as “A1”, “B2”), the content
of the pasted cells will change in accordance with their relative positions.
Tip: You can also copy to a single cell by selecting a cell (with the cell cursor), and then dragging it to the copy
destination. If the destination cell already contains data, it is replaced with the newly dropped data.
u To copy or cut a range of cells and paste them to another location in the spreadsheet
1. Tap the range of cells that you want to copy or cut.
2. Tap [Edit] - [Copy] (or [Cut]).
3. Tap the cell that is the upper left corner of the range of paste destination cells.
4. Tap [Edit] - [Paste].
• This will paste the contents, including formatting, of the range of cells you copied.
Tip: In place of the steps from step 2 of the above procedure, you could also copy the selected cells by dragging them to
the copy destination. If the destination cells already contain data, it is replaced with the newly dropped data.
Recalculating Spreadsheet Expressions
Recalculate is executed automatically whenever you switch to the Spreadsheet application from another
application, and whenever you open a spreadsheet file.
However, you need to recalculate manually in cases like that shown in the example below.
Example: To plot a scatter graph using random numbers
1. Input “=rand()” into cell A1, and then copy the contents of A1 to cells A2
through A5.
2. Select cells A1:A5 and then tap [Graph] - [Scatter] to plot the scatter graph.
3. Tap the Spreadsheet window to make it active, and then tap [File] -
• Each time you tap [File] - [Recalculate], random numbers are regenerated
and the graph is updated accordingly.