Chapter 3: Graph & Table Application 108
Generating Number Table Values from a Graph
You can input the coordinate values where the pointer is currently located on a graph into a table by simply
pressing E.
0303 To generate number table values from the y = x
– 3x graph
Generating a Summary Table
A summary table can be created from a y=Type function registered on the Graph Editor window. The figure
below shows an example of the summary graph and table of y = x
– 3x.
The following are the two methods that can be used to create a summary table using the Graph & Table
• Creating a summary table with the View Window settings
xmin as the lower limit value and xmax as
upper limit value
With this method, the x within the range of xmin and xmax where f Ј(x) = 0 is
automatically calculated and added to the table. You can specify xmin and
xmax values, or you can use auto settings ([Memory] - [Auto] View Window
• Specifying the range of
x-values for creating a summary table using a list stored in ClassPad memory
This method generates a summary table by looking up data stored in a list. A LIST variable is used to specify
x-values. When using this method, it is up to you specify all of the correct x-values required to generate
the summary table. The summary table will not be generated correctly if you provide incorrect x-values.
• You can control whether or not the summary table should include an f Љ(x) line (second derivative component) using the
[Summary Table
f Љ(x)] setting on the [Special] tab of the Graph Format dialog box (page 36). Turning on the [Summary
f Љ(x)] option causes both first derivative components and second derivative components to be displayed in the
summary table. Turning it off shows first derivative components only.
• Some functions may not be solvable by the ClassPad’s internal summary table calculation. When this happens, the “Can’t
Solve!” error message appears on the display.
u To generate a summary table using View Window
1. On the Graph Editor window, register the function you want to use to create the summary table.
• Make sure that only the check box of the function to be used for summary table creation is selected. Clear
the check boxes of all other functions on the Graph Editor window.
2. Tap 6 to display the View Window dialog box.
3. Perform any one of the operations below.
• Tap [Memory] and then [Auto]. This causes all settings on the View Window dialog box to change to “Auto”.
• Specify the
x-values for the summary table by specifying values for the [xmin] and [xmax] settings.