Chapter 2: Main Application 44
Calculation Priority Sequence
Your ClassPad automatically performs calculations in the following sequence.
1 Commands with parentheses (sin(, diff(, etc.)
2 Factorials (
x! ), degree specifications (
percents (%)
3 Powers
4 π, memory, variable multiplication operations
that omit the multiplication sign (2π, 5A, etc.),
command with parentheses multiplication
operations that omit the multiplication sign (2'3,
etc.), ×, ÷
5 +, –, (–)
6 Relational operators (=, , <, >, s, t)
7 and
8 or, xor
9 with ( | )
• Expressions in parentheses are given priority.
• In cases where a series of calculations in the same expression includes more than one of the operators 4 through 9
that are the same priority sequence level, the same level operations are performed from left to right. A series of power
calculations 3 (example: 5^2^3) is performed from right to left (5^(2^3)).
2 + 3 × (log (sin( 2π
)) + 6.8) = 22.07101691
(In Algebra mode, Decimal mode, Radian mode)
Calculation Modes
All of the following calculation examples are shown using the Algebra mode only.
Standard Mode and Decimal Mode
The Standard mode displays calculation results in mathematical expression format whenever possible, while
the Decimal mode converts calculation results to a decimal form.
Expression Decimal Mode Result Standard Mode Result
50 ÷ 4 = 12.5 12.5
+ 2 = 3.414213562...
2 +
π = 3.1415926535...
sin (2.1π) × 5 = 1.5450849718...
( − 1)
• The Decimal mode results in the above table show what would appear on the display when “Normal 1” is
selected for the [Number Format] setting on the Basic Format dialog box.
u Using the u Button to Toggle between the Standard Mode and Decimal Mode
You can tap u to toggle a displayed value between Standard mode and Decimal mode format.
Note that tapping u toggles the format of a displayed value. It does not change the current Standard mode
and Decimal mode setting.
0205 Tapping u while the ClassPad is configured for Standard mode (Normal 1) display
0206 Tapping u while the ClassPad is configured for Decimal mode (Normal 1) display