Troubleshooting the Heart Rate Telemetry Chest Strap
Heart Rate is Erratic or Absent Entirely
• Repeat the electrode moistening procedure on the chest strap. See Page 6, titled Heart Rate
Telemetry for details. The electrodes must remain wet to pick up and transmit accurate heart rate readings.
• Make sure the electrodes are flat against the skin.
• Wash the belt transmitter regularly with mild soap and water.
• Make sure the chest strap transmitter is within three feet (91 centimeters) of the heart rate receiver.
• The chest strap is battery-operated and will stop functioning when the battery runs out. Contact Customer
Support Services for instructions on how to have the chest strap replaced.
Heart Rate Reading is Erratic or Extremely High
If the chest strap is worn near sources of electromagnetic signals, these signals may be strong enough to
elevate heart rate readings. Possible sources include:
• Television sets and/or antennas, cell phones, computers, cars, high voltage power lines and motor driven
exercise equipment.
• Another heart rate transmitter within three feet, or one meter, may also cause abnormal heart rate readings.
Service and Technical Data: Advanced Workouts Console