Fluke PM3370B Hunting Equipment User Manual

Example program:
100 COUNT=512 :’Number of samples
110 PRINT "Generating trace samples ..." :’Display operator message
120 DIM WAVE(2*COUNT) :’Declare waveform array
130 FOR I=1 TO COUNT :’For all samples
140 SAMPLE = INT(19200*SIN(I/40.744)) :’Generate sine value
150 LSB = SAMPLE AND &HFF :’Calculate Least Sign. Byte
160 MSB = ((SAMPLE-LSB) / 256) AND &HFF :’Calculate Most Sign. Byte
170 WAVE(2*I) = LSB :’Put LSB in array
180 WAVE(2*I-1) = MSB :’Put MSB in array
190 NEXT
200 PRINT "Transmitting trace administration ..."
:’Display operator message
210 PRINT #1,"PW",41, :’Program waveform (m4.1)
220 PRINT #1,"m4.1", :’Trace_name (ignored)
230 PRINT #1,"V", :’Y_unit (Volts)
240 PRINT #1,"s", :’X_unit (seconds)
250 PRINT #1,+3, :’Y_zero (3 V offset)
260 PRINT #1,-8.625E-6, :’X_zero (ignored)
270 PRINT #1,78.13E-3, :’Y_resolution
280 PRINT #1,1E-6, :’X_resolution
290 PRINT #1,65535, :’Y_range (ignored)
300 PRINT #1,"E25-01-1994", :’Date
310 PRINT #1,"14:32:56:00", :’Time
320 PRINT #1,375E-3, :’Delta T correction
330 PRINT #1,0, :’Min Max trace off
340 PRINT #1,32, :’Mult_shot_tot
350 PRINT #1,5, :’Mult_shot_nr
360 PRINT #1,"0","0", :’Reserved field 1,2
370 PRINT #1,COUNT :’Number of 16 bit samples
380 GOSUB 1000 :’Sync on acknowledge
390 SUM=0
400 PRINT "Transmitting trace samples ..."
:’Display operator message
410 FOR I=1 TO 2*COUNT :’2 bytes per sample
420 PRINT #1,CHR$(WAVE(I)); :’Send each sample byte
430 SUM=(SUM+WAVE(I))MOD(256) :’Calculate checksum
440 NEXT I
450 PRINT #1,CHR$(SUM); :’Send checksum
460 GOSUB 1000 :’Sync on acknowledge