Axiom Memory Solutions HR600 Heart Rate Monitor User Manual

1. Advance to the Timer main screen using the Mode but-
ton. “TMR” and current lap time will be displayed in the
upper row of the display. If the heart rate function is acti-
vated, the lower row of the display will show the number
of the current lap for three seconds, before reverting to
current heart rate information. If the heart rate function is
not activated, the number of the current lap will remain
2. To begin the first lap, press the Start/Lap button.
(Note: This press can be made from any main screen.)
This press will activate the stopwatch, and “STW” will flash
in all main screens (except the Stopwatch main screen,
where it will remain steady).
3. To record the first lap, press the Start/Lap button.
(Note: This press can be made from any main screen.)
One alarm beep will sound, and the lap time, average heart
rate, and maximum heart rate for lap 1 will be recorded in
4. To measure successive laps, press the Start/Lap button.
(Note: These presses can be made from any main screen.)
Each press of the Start/Lap button records the previous lap
in memory and begins a new lap.
5. Each time the Start/Lap button is pressed, the time of
the lap just measured will be displayed in the upper row of
the display, and the number of the lap just measured will
be displayed in the lower row of the display. After three
seconds, the display will revert to current lap time and
heart rate information.
6. After the 20th lap has been recorded, a further press of
the Start/Lap button will display “End” to indicate that
memory is full. The stopwatch will continue to run, but no
additional lap data will be recorded in memory.
Each lap time will be recorded in memory (up to a total of
20 laps), along with average and maximum heart rate val-
ues for each lap (provided the heart rate function is acti-
vated), and total elapsed stopwatch time. To view this
recall data, see “Viewing Time
In Zone Recall Data.”
7. To reset the Lap Timer and Stopwatch, advance to the
Timer main screen using the Mode button.
8. Stop the stopwatch (if it is running) with a short press
of the Stop/Adj button.Press and hold the Stop/Adj but-
Note: Resetting the Lap Timer will clear all accumulated lap
recall data from memory.
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