If you play Black from the bottom of the
board, as described in Section 2.8, be
sure to set up the pieces correctly! Notice
that the Kings and Queens are positioned
differently, and the board notation is
computer automatically answers with a countermove whenever you
enter a move. If you activate Two Player Mode with TAKE BACK,
however, you can enter any number of moves one by one, without
allowing the computer to answer. To exit Two Player Mode at any time,
press CL. If it’s the computer’s turn when you exit Two Player Mode,
press ENT after exiting Two Player Mode and the computer will make
the next move. The following are some great ways to use this feature:
• Play through master games. Press CL then ENT to see what the
computer would do in any position!
•Keep records of your own chess games. When a game is over, play
to any position to see how other moves or different strategies might
have affected the outcome.
• Study opening lines by entering them manually.
• Play against a friend, with the computer acting as referee. It will
monitor your game, checking all moves for legality.
When playing against another person, if either side should need help
from the computer, press INFO to see a suggested move.
2.8 Playing Black from the Bottom
POSITION” for a diagram showing the correct piece set-up.
Want to depart from the usual standard and let the computer play the
White pieces from the top? Then try out this interesting feature! Set up
the board with the Black pieces closest to you, as shown in the diagram
in this section. Press ENT and CL together to reset for a NEW GAME,
and then press ENT again. The computer will reverse sides—watch as it
makes the first move for White from the top of the board.
When you play Black from the bottom, note that the board notation is
2.9 Built-In Openings
At the beginning of a game, the computer will often move instantly on
many levels. This is because the Senator Module is playing from
memory, using its own built-in “book” of opening chess moves. This book
contains thousands of positions, including most major openings and
many positions from grandmaster play. If the current board position is in
its book, the computer plays a response to that position automatically,
instead of having to think about the move!
Also included is a unique user-selectable book feature, which lets you
choose from different types of opening books, or even turn the book off,
if desired. For complete details, see Section 5.2.
2.10 Thinking on the Opponent’s Time
As you play, you may notice that the computer sometimes replies to
your moves immediately, even in the middle of games played on the
higher levels. This is because the computer thinks on your time, using
the time you are taking for your move to think ahead and plan its own
strategies. It tries to guess the move you are likely to make, and then
calculates its responses for that particular move while you are still
thinking. If the computer has guessed right, there’s no reason for it to
keep on thinking—it immediately plays the move it has already found.
You can disable this feature, if you’d like, by turning on the Easy
Mode option. For more information, see Section 5.2.
2.11 Game Memory
Press GO/STOP on the Senator Module at any time to interrupt and
save your game. Play is then suspended, and the module stores your
current game in memory (up to 200 individual moves). When you switch
back on again (by pressing GO/STOP for at least 1 second), you can
continue right where you left off!
Note: If you press GO/STOP while computer is searching, you need
to press CL after switching back on.
• Always press GO/STOP to turn the Senator Module off
switching off the Exclusive Board. Otherwise, game memory will be