Check Method of Causes Repair Method Explanation Figures
EC-1200 EC-1600 EC-3600 EC-3700
Applicable Models:
Cateye Ergociser Series 1000 Service Manual
Connector Terminal 3
[2]Checking the Electrical Systems
1. Connect the AC adapter, and turn on the power of the main
2. Obtain the manual training program, set the pedal torque
setting to 4.0kg·m, and rotate the pedal at the rate of 50 rpm. If
you can rotate it quite easily, no load will be applied.
3. Replace the control unit with a brand new one.
4. Again, check the torque status under the manual training
When the pedal torque is loaded, the control unit is
When no torque loading is possible, proceed to the following
1. Turn off the power, and loosen the four screws on the
handlebar stem to remove the control unit. (Fig. 1)
2. Remove the cable connector which is connected to the back of
the control unit. (Fig. 1)
3. Remove the frame cover. (See the Sections D1 & D2
"Removing the Frame Covers.")
4. Remove the CN-2 connector on the power supply board. (Fig.
5. Using a tester, check for any short-circuiting across Terminal
1s and Terminal 4s at both ends of the 5P cable which
connects the power supply board and the control unit. (Fig. 3)
When there is no shortcircuit, the 5P cable is disconnected.
When it is short-circuited, proceed to the following procedures:
1. Remove the connector CN-1 from the power supply board,
and measure the resistance across Terminals 2 and 3 of the
connector. When the reading is in the range of 9Ω and 14Ω,
the connector is all right. (Figs. 4 & 5)
When the meter reading is exceedingly large, the solenoid
coil is defective.
When the meter reading is in the acceptable range, the
power supply board may be defective.
Fig. 1
Power Supply Board
CN-2 Connector
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Normal when zero (0)
Terminal 4
5P Cable
Connector Terminal 4
Fig. 4
CN-1 Connector
Fig. 5
Terminal 2
To Solenoid Coil
CN-1 Connector
Normal for 14V thru 19V
No Loading (Check of Electrical Systems)
No Loading (Check of Electrical Systems)
Replace the control unit with a brand new one.
Replace the 5P cable with a brand new one. (See the
Section ES-2 " Replacing the 5P Cable.")
Replace the workload unit. (See the Sections MS-1 &
MS-2 "Replacing the Workload Unit.")
Replace the power supply board. (See the Section
ES-3 "Replacing the Power Supply Board.")