
RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/2000/4000 Administrator’s Guide
C-36 Polycom, Inc.
Net SubService
Note: This field is only relevant to dial-out, ISDN/PSTN participants.
The network sub-service name.
An empty field “” means that MCU selects the default sub-service.
Number of Party
Phone Numbers
Note: This field is only relevant to ISDN/PSTN participants.
The number of participant phone numbers.
In a dial-in connection, the participant phone number is the CLI (Calling Line
Identification) as identified by the MCU.
In a dial-out connection, participant phone numbers are the phone numbers
dialed by the MCU for each participant channel.
Number of MCU
Phone Numbers
Note: This field is only relevant to ISDN/PSTN participants.
The number of MCU phone numbers.
In a dial-in connection, the MCU phone number is the number dialed by the
participant to connect to the MCU.
In a dial-out connection, the MCU phone number is the MCU (CLI) number
as seen by the participant.
Party and MCU
Phone Numbers
Note: This field is only relevant to ISDN/PSTN participants.
The participant phone numbers are listed first, followed by the MCU phone
Ident. Method Note: This field is only relevant to dial-in participants.
The method by which the destination conference is identified, as follows:
0 - Password
1 - Called phone number, or IP address, or alias
2 - Calling phone number, or IP address, or alias
Meet Method Note: This field is only relevant to dial-in participants.
The meet-me per method, as follows:
1 - Meet-me per MCU-Conference
3 - Meet-me per participant
4 - Meet-me per channel
Net Interface Type The type of network interface between the participant and the MCU, as
0 - ISDN
2 - H.323
5 - SIP
H243 Password The H.243 password, or an empty field “” if there is no password.
Chair Not supported.
Always contains the value 0.
Table C-36 Event Fields for Events 108, 112 - OPERATOR MOVE PARTY TO CONFERENCE,
Field Description