Appendix I-Polycom Open Collaboration Network (POCN)
Polycom, Inc. I-17
The following procedures 1 - 16 are a summary of the configuration procedures.
The detailed procedures 1 - 16 begin with "Procedure 1: Set the
Configuring the Collaboration Server
Set the
System Flag
2 Configuring the Collaboration Server to statically route outbound SIP calls to DMA or
3 Configuring the Collaboration Server’s H.323 Network Service to register with CMA
4 Configuring a TIP enabled Profile on the Collaboration Server
5 Configuring an Ad Hoc Entry Queue on the Collaboration Server if DMA is not used
6 Configuring a Meeting Room on the Collaboration Server
7 Configuring Participant Properties for dial out calls
Configuring DMA
If DMA is present in the configuration perform procedures 8 and 9, otherwise skip to
procedure 10.
8 Configuring DMA to route SIP calls to CUCM
9 Configuring a Virtual Meeting Room (VMR)
The procedures for configuring DMA are described in detail in the Polycom Unified
Communications Deployment Guide for Cisco Environments.
Configuring CMA
10 Configuring CMA to route H.323 calls to Collaboration Server
11 Configuring CMA for use with Cisco IOS Gatekeeper (Neighbored)
12 Configuring CMA to route H.323 calls to CUCM
13 Configuring CMA to route non-H.323 calls to CUCM
The procedures for configuring CMA are described in detail in the Polycom Unified
Communications Deployment Guide for Cisco Environments.
Configuring Endpoints
14 Configuring H.323 endpoints to register to the CMA or IOS gatekeeper
The following Polycom peripheral:
• Polycom Touch Control
SIP ONLY (no TIP support) Version(s)
Spectralink wireless phones 8020/8030
Polycom VVX 1500 V4.0
Polycom VVX 1500 C V3.3.1
KIRK Wireless Server 300/600v3/6000
Table I-5 Supported current Polycom products