RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/2000/4000 Administrator’s Guide
C-26 Polycom, Inc.
Secondary Cause Note: This field is only relevant if the Participant Status is Secondary.
The cause for the secondary connection (not being able to connect the video
channels), as follows:
0 - Default
11 - The incoming video parameters are not compatible with the conference
video parameters
13 - The conference video settings are not compatible with the endpoint
14 - The new conference settings are not compatible with the endpoint
15 - Video stream violation due to incompatible annexes or other
16 - Inadequate video resources
17 - When moved to a Transcoding or Video Switching conference, the
participant’s video capabilities are not supported by the video cards
18 - Video connection could not be established
24 - The endpoint closed its video channels
25 - The participant video settings are not compatible with the conference
26 - The endpoint could not re-open the video channel after the conference
video mode was changed
27 - The gatekeeper approved a lower bandwidth than requested
28 - Video connection for the SIP participant is temporarily unavailable
255 - Other
Table C-19 Event Fields for Event 18 - NEW UNDEFINED PARTICIPANT
Field Description
Participant Name The name of the participant.
Participant ID The identification number assigned to the participant by the MCU.
Dialing Direction The dialing direction, as follows
0 - Dial-out
5 - Dial-in
Bonding Mode Not supported.
Always contains the value 0.
Number of
Note: This field is only relevant to ISDN/PSTN participants.
The number of channels being connected for this participant.
Net Channel Width Not supported.
Always contains the value 0.
Network Service
The name of the Network Service.
An empty field “” indicates the default Network Service.
Table C-18 Event Fields for Events 17, 23 - H323 PARTICIPANT CONNECTED, SIP PARTICIPANT
CONNECTED (Continued)
Field Description