Appendix H-Setting the Collaboration Server for Integration Into Microsoft Environment
Polycom, Inc. H-39
Defining a SIP Network Service in the Collaboration Server and Installing
the Security Certificate
Your RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) system should be installed according to
standard installation procedures. For details, see the Polycom RealPresence Collaboration
Server (RMX) 1500/2000/4000 Getting Started Guide.
When configuring the Default IP Network Service on first entry, or when modifying the
properties of the existing Default IP Network Service, the SIP environment parameters must be
set as described in this section.
The Security Certificate
There are two methods to create and send the security certificate that is required for
configuration of the integration of the Collaboration Server in the Microsoft environment:
• The CSR method (recommended method for Microsoft Office Communications Server,
Wave 13)
• The PFX method (Recommended method for Lync Server, Wave 14)
The CSR Method
In the CSR method, the security certificate is created as part of the SIP Server configuration
in the IP Network Service configuration.
Using the CSR Method, the following processes are performed:
• Creating the certificate request (in the Default IP Network Service - SIP Server dialog box).
• Sending the certificate request to a Certificate Authority.
• Receiving the certificate from the Certificate Authority.
• Installing the certificate in the Collaboration Server (in the Default IP Network Service -
SIP Server dialog box).
The PFX Method
In the PFX method, the security certificate is created in advance, in the Office
Communications Server or Lync Server environment.
For detailed description of this procedure in the Office Communications Server
environment, see "PFX Method - Creating the Security (TLS) Certificate in the OCS and
Exporting the Certificate to the Collaboration Server Workstation” on page H-23.
For detailed description of this procedure in the Lync Server environment, see the Polycom
Unified Communications Deployment Guide for Microsoft Environments..
Configuring the Collaboration Server IP Network Service
To configure the Collaboration Server IP Network Service:
1 Using the Web browser, connect to the Collaboration Server.
Certificates are deleted when an administrator performs a Restore Factory Defaults with the
Comprehensive Restore option selected.