RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/2000/4000 Administrator’s Guide
23-10 Polycom, Inc.
The Add dialog box is displayed with the configured parameters of the selected Network
Service filled in.
3 Select the Certificate Method. (Default is CSR)
— Only CSR can be selected for the Default Management Network Service.
— CSR or PFX/PEM can be selected for IP Network Services.
4 Optional. If CSR was selected as the Certificate Method:
a Click Create Certificate Request.
The Create Certificate Request dialog box is displayed with the Common Name field
filled in.
b Complete the Certificate Request fields.
The two additional fields are defined as:
• Subject Alternative Name (SAN) - This field is required when using EAP-TLS in
conjunction with a Network Policy Server (MS-NPS). It allows the optional
inclusion of:
- Principle Name
- DNS Name:
Long – FQDN
Short - Host only
- IP Address (IPv4 and IPv6)
When the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) check box is selected the input box
becomes active, allowing the user to modify the example values provided, to
match local certificate requirements and delete those that are not applicable.
The user can add up to 20 different SANs. If an incorrect SAN type is entered,
an error message, Unsupported SAN type, is displayed when the Send Details
button is clicked.
• Hash Method - Select the output value for the Secure Hash Algorithm:
- SHA-256 the output value is 256 bits.
- SHA-1 the output value is 160 bits.
The SAN field, DNS Name (FQDN) is not used for Machine Account validation. For example, the
DMA will not validate the RMX unless the FQDN field in the User Properties dialog box is correctly
filled in.