Chapter 4-Additional Conferencing Information
Polycom, Inc. 4-3
• Content sharing is not supported in Microsoft ICE environment (BFCP protocol).
• Video endpoints that do not support SIP Content (such as PVX), can receive Content on
the People channel if the conference is set to Send Content to Legacy Endpoints. For more
details see, "Sending Content to Legacy Endpoints (AVC Only)” on page 4-21.
SIP BFCP Content Capabilities
SIP Clients supporting BFCP over UDP, when connected to conferences on the
Collaboration Server, can share Content with endpoints supporting the following Content
sharing protocols:
• H.323/ H.239
• H.323 /Polycom People+Content
• ISDN Content
For SIP Clients that support both BFCP/TCP and BFCP/UDP:
• The preferred protocol is BFCP/UDP.
• When used in Cascading conferences, the Cascade Link must be H.323.
• BFCP/UDP is supported in both IPv4 and IPv6 addressing modes.
• BFCP utilizes an unsecured channel (port 60002/TCP) even when SIP TLS is enabled. If
security is of higher priority than SIP content sharing, SIP People+Content can be
disabled. To do this manually add the ENABLE_SIP_PEOPLE_ PLUS_CONTENT
System Flag to the System Configuration and set its value to NO.
• SIP People+Content and BFCP capabilities are by default declared to all endpoints. If,
however, the endpoint identity is hidden by a proxy server, these capabilities will not
be declared by the Collaboration Server. Capabilities declaration is controlled by the
The default value of the ENABLE_SIP_PPC_FOR_ALL_USER_AGENT System Flag is
YES resulting in BFCP capability being declared with all vendors’ endpoints unless it is
set to NO. When set to NO, the Collaboration Server will declare
SIP People+Content
and BFCP capabilities
to Polycom and Avaya endpoints.
stem Flag should be set to NO when
SIP BFCP is enabled.
• If these System Flags don’t exist in the system, they must be manually added. For more
information see "Modifying System Flags” on page 22-1.
• BFCP capabilities are not supported in Microsoft ICE environment.
• BFCP over TCP is not supported in Ultra Secure Mode.
Dial-out Connections:
• For dial-out connections to SIP Clients, BFCP/UDP protocol can be given priority by
adding the adding the SIP_BFCP_DIAL_OUT_MODE System Flag to system.cfg and
setting its value to UDP.