Appendix H-Setting the Collaboration Server for Integration Into Microsoft Environment
Polycom, Inc. H-73
ICE Active Alarms
When ICE environment is enabled in the Collaboration Server, failure to communicate with
a required component triggers the display of an Active Alarm in the System Alerts pane.
The following table lists these active alarms:
SIP TLS: Certificate has expired The current TLS certificate files have expired and must be
replaced with new files.
SIP TLS: Certificate is about to
The current TLS certificate files will expire shortly and will have
to be replaced to ensure the communication with the OCS.
SIP TLS: Certificate subject
name is not valid or DNS failed
to resolve this name
This alarm is displayed if the name of the Collaboration Server in
the certificate file is different from the FQDN name defined in the
Occasionally this alarm may be activated without real cause.
Resetting the MCU may clear the alarm.
Table H-9 New Active Alarms (Continued)
Alarm Code Alarm Description
Table 9 ICE Environment - Collaboration Server Active Alarms
Active Alarm Phase Alarm Displayed When Troubleshooting
ICE failure: Failed to
register with OCS.
Check the
Server Server
Registration The Collaboration Server
did not receive a
confirmation response
from the OCS to the
Registration request.
• Check that the
Collaboration Server Name
in IP Network Service - SIP
Advanced is identical to the
User name defined for the
Collaboration Server in the
OCS Active Directory.
• Make sure that the
Collaboration Server user is
defined in the OCS Active
ICE failure: Failed to
subscribe with the
OCS, therefore the
A/V Edge Server
URI was not
Subscribe The Collaboration Server
did not receive a
confirmation response
from the OCS to the
Subscription request.
The Subscription is
required for obtaining the
A/V Edge Server URI
which is followed by the
notify message containing
the credentials).