
Polycom® RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/2000/4000 Administrator’s Guide
4-22 Polycom, Inc.
Guidelines for Sending Content to Legacy Endpoints
This option is enabled in MPM+ and MPMx Card Configuration Modes only.
This option is valid when sending Content as a separate stream is enabled in the System
Configuration and the flag: ENABLE_H239 is set to YES.
An Additional video resource is allocated to the conference when Content is sent to
legacy endpoints:
In MPM+ mode, one SD video resource.
In MPMx mode, one HD video resource.
The allocation is done only when a legacy endpoint is connected to the conference and a
Content session is initiated and transmitted via the video channel. Once the resource is
allocated, it remains allocated to the conference until the conference ends.
If the system cannot allocate the resource required for sending the Content, the
conference status changes to “Content Resource Deficiency” and Content will not be
sent to the legacy endpoints.
As the resource required for sending Content to legacy endpoints is allocated on the fly,
when scheduling a reservation, in rare occasions when the MCU is fully loaded,
“Resource deficiency” may be encountered. This may prevent participants from
connecting to the conference or from Content being sent to the legacy endpoint. To
ensure resource for sending Content to legacy endpoints, add one resource to the
number of resources defined in the Reserve Resources for Video Participants field, in the
Conference Properties - General dialog box.
H.323, SIP, ISDN, and Telepresence non-H.239 (legacy) endpoints receive the Content via
the video channel using the same video protocol and resolution with which they receive
The highest Content resolution for legacy endpoints is:
HD720p30 with MPMx
HD720p5/6 with MPM+
Once an endpoint is categorized as a Legacy Endpoint and receives the content over the
video channel, it remains in this mode without the ability to receive content over the
Content channel.
Content cannot be sent to legacy endpoints when Same Layout mode is selected for the
This option in not supported in Video Switching conferences.
When Content is transmitted, the Site Name of the endpoints cannot be viewed.
Content can be sent to legacy endpoints in gateway calls.
When moving a legacy participant to the Operator conference, Content will not be
available to the legacy endpoint.
•An FX endpoint dialing in to a Collaboration Server with MPMx cards will receive
content using People + Content. An FX endpoint dialed out from a Collaboration Server
MPMx car
ds will only receive content via the video channel using People + Conten
if Send Content to Legacy Endpoints is enabled in the Conference Profile.