Chapter 23 - Ultra Secure Mode
Polycom, Inc. 23-15
The certificate is removed and the Collaboration Server displays an RP Collaboration
Server Web Client/Manager disconnection confirmation dialog box.
3 Click the OK button.
Login to the Collaboration Server to proceed with further management tasks.
Certificate Revocation
Certificate Revocation of IP Network and peer SIP TLS certificates for each defined IP Service
can be enabled, disabled and configured:
Revocation Method
One of three Certificate Revocation Methods can be selected:
• NONE (Default) - Certificate Revocation is not implemented.
• CRL - Requires at least one CRL file be installed, failing which an error message, At least
one CRL should be installed, is displayed.
• OCSP - When selected, additional configuration options are displayed.
— Global Responder URL
• The format of the URL is validated and must be of the format:
•The URL can be either http or https.
•If the Global Responder URL does not respond an Active Alarm is raised.
— Use Responder Specified in Certificate
• The default for this check box is unchecked.
• If the check box is checked Responder URL is taken from the certificate. If the
certificate does not contain a Responder URL, the Global Responder URL is used.