Chapter 22-System Configuration Flags
Polycom, Inc. 22-35
Used to prevent reassignment of cells in a forced layout that
were assigned to endpoints that have disconnected, paused
their video, or have been removed from the conference. The
cell will remain black until the endpoint reconnects or a new
layout is used, or the conference ends.
Range: YES / NO
Default: NO
• NO - Cells of dropped endpoints are reassigned.
Endpoints that reconnect will be treated as new endpoints.
• YES - Cells of dropped endpoints are not reassigned, but
will be reserved until the endpoint reconnects.
For information see the Polycom RealPresence Collaboration
Server (RMX) 1500/2000/4000 Getting Started Guide, "Force
Layout and Preserve Participant Call” on page 3-63.
If there is a slow response from the ISDN switch, the PSTN
dial-out ringing duration (in seconds) is used by the
Collaboration Server to disconnect the call.
Default: 45
QOS_IP_AUDIO Used to select the priority of audio packets when DiffServ is
the is the selected method for packet priority encoding.
Default: 0x31
QOS_IP_VIDEO Used to select the priority of video packets when DiffServ is
the is the selected method for packet priority encoding.
Default: 0x31
Enter the DSCP value for the RMX Management Network.
Default: 0x10
Range: 0x00 - 0x3F
To accommodate Redcom’s SDP size limit, when the flag
value = YES, the SDP size is less than 2kb and includes only
one audio and one video media line.
Default: NO
Enter the number of seconds that the Collaboration Server
should wait before successive re dialing attempts.
Range: 0-30 (Default: 10)
To accommodate Redcom’s SDP size limit, when the flag
value = YES, the SDP size is less than 2kb and includes only
one audio and one video media line.
Default: NO
When set to YES, when the Precedence Domain of a SIP dial-
in call does not match the Precedence Domain of the RMX,
the call is rejected. For more information, see "MLPP (Multi
Level Precedence and Preemption)” on page 23-36.
Possible values: YES/NO
Default: No
Table 22-2 Manually Added System Flags – MCMS_PARAMETERS (Continued)
Flag Description