
Chapter 16-Network Services
Polycom, Inc. 16-31
IP Network Monitoring
The Signaling Monitor is the Collaboration Server entity used for monitoring the status of
external network entities such as the gatekeeper, DNS, SIP proxy and Outbound proxy and
their interaction with the MCU.
To monitor signaling status:
1 In the RMX Management pane, click Signaling Monitor ().
2 In the Signaling Monitor pane, double-click Default IP Service.
The IP Network Services PropertiesRMX CS IP tab opens:
The RMX CS IP tab displays the following fields:
Table 16-16 IP Network Services PropertiesRMX CS IP
Field Description
Service Name The name assigned to the IP Network Service by the Fast
Configuration Wizard.
Note: This field is displayed in all tabs.
IPv4 IP Address
Router IP
The IP address of the default router. The default
router is used whenever the defined static routers
are not able to route packets to their destination.
The default router is also used when host access is
restricted to one default router.
Subnet Mask The subnet mask of the MCU.
Default value: