
Chapter 13-Conference and Participant Monitoring
Polycom, Inc. 13-11
8 Click the Audio Settings tab to view the audio setting for the conference.
9 If needed, you can enable or disable the Mute participants except lecturer setting.
Telepresence Mode
Indicates if the conference is running in
Telepresence Mode.
These fields are
enabled if the
Collaboration Server
has a Telepresence
license installed.
See "Defining New
Profiles” on
page 2-26.
Telepresence Mode Indicates the Telepresence Mode.
Telepresence Layout
Indicates the layout of the Telepresence
Lecturer Indicates the name of the lecturer (if one is selected). Selecting a
lecturer enables the Lecture Mode.
This option is disabled in a mixed CP and SVC conference.
Auto Scan Interval(s) The time interval, 10 - 300 seconds, that Auto Scan uses to cycle the
display of participants that are not in the conference layout in the
selected cell.
This option is disabled in a mixed CP and SVC conference.
Video Layouts
Indicates the currently selected video layout.
Table 13-5 Conference Properties - Video Settings Parameters (Continued)
Field Description