Polycom, Inc. 23-1
Ultra Secure Mode
Ultra Secure Mode is the operating mode of the RealPresence Collaboration Server when
deployed in a Maximum Security Environment. When the MCU is set to Ultra Secure Mode, all
enhanced security features are activated and rigorously enforced.
Enabling Ultra Secure Mode
Ultra Secure Mode is disabled by default and can be enabled by changing the value of the
ULTRA_SECURE_MODE System Flag to YES. Doing so affects the ranges and defaults of
other System Flags that control:
•Network Security
• User Management
• Strong Passwords
• Login and Session Management
• Cyclic File Systems alarms
For a detailed description of the installation and configuration of an MCU in a Maximum
Security Environment see the First Time Installation and Configuration chapter of the Polycom®
RealPresence® Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/2000/4000 Deployment Guide for Maximum
Security Environments.
• After modifying the value of the ULTRA_SECURE_MODE System Flag to YES, all
Collaboration Server users are forced to change their Login passwords.
In previous versions the
System Flag
was named
— When upgrading from a version that used the JITC_MODE System Flag, the system
will automatically create an ULTRA_SECURE_MODE System Flag and set it to the
same value as that of the JITC_MODE flag before the upgrade. The system will
then delete the JITC_MODE System Flag.
WARNING: Once Ultra Secure Mode is enabled it can only be disabled by performing a Restore to
Factory Defaults. In addition, to implement a Maximum Security Environment, other Polycom
products on the network must be similarly configured.
For more information see the RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/2000/4000
Deployment Guide for Maximum Security Environments, "Restoring the RMX Using the USB Port”
on page 4-1.
From Version 8.1.4.J, only MPMx cards are supported.