Chapter 22-System Configuration Flags
Polycom, Inc. 22-41
(MPM+ Only)
In MPM + Mode this flag is used to enable or disable the
permanent display of Site Name in the video layout.
Set the value of this flag to YES to enable the permanent
display of Site Names.
Default: NO.
In MPMx Mode this function is controlled using the Profile -
Site Names dialog box.
Note: From Version 8.1, MPM+ Media card is not supported.
For use in Microsoft environments.
When the MS_KEEP_ALIVE System Flag is set to YES, the
value of this flag is used as the MS Keep-Alive Timer value.
SUPPORT_HIGH _PROFILE Enables or disables the support of High Profile video protocol
in CP conferences. This flag is specific to CP conferences
and has no effect on VSW conferences.
Range: YES / NO
Default: YES
Enables or disables the support of High Profile video protocol
for ISDN participants in CP conferences. This flag is specific
to CP conferences and has no effect on VSW conferences.
Range: YES / NO
Default: NO
TC_BURST_SIZE This flag regulates the Traffic Control buffer or maxburst size
as a percentage of the participant line rate.
Range: 1-30.
TC_LATENCY_SIZE This flag limits the latency (in milliseconds) or the number of
bytes that can be present in a queue.
Range: 1-1000 (in milliseconds).
The number of seconds the server will wait for a TCP client to
answer a call before closing the connection.
Default = 5 (seconds)
V35_MULTIPLE_SERVICES If the connection of multiple Serial Gateways to RTM-LAN
cards is required:
The V35_MULTIPLE_SERVICES System Flag must be set to
The default value of the V35_MULTIPLE_SERVICES System
Flag is NO, enabling only one Serial Gateway to be supported
per RTM-LAN card.
This flag must be set to YES when deploying a Serial
Gateway S4GW in Ultra Secure Mode..
Controls the Minimum Threshold Line Rate (kbps) for CIF
resolution for High Profile-enabled VSW conferences.
Default: 64
Table 22-2 Manually Added System Flags – MCMS_PARAMETERS (Continued)
Flag Description