Chapter 23 - Ultra Secure Mode
Polycom, Inc. 23-17
Self-signed Certificates are indicated in the Certification Repository - Issued By field.
SIP TCP Keep-Alive
In compliance with UC APL requirements, the NAT Keep Alive method has been enhanced
according to IETF RFC 5626 and RFC 6223.
For a full description of Keep Alive see IETF RFC 5626 and IETF RFC 6223.
Keep Alive behavior is defined for each IP Network Service and can be modified by adding the
following System Flags and modifying their values according to Table 2-1.
Issuer / Issued To Service Host Name
Both the Issuer and Issued To fields have the same values.
CN = host name of the service name
DC = Polycom
OU = Self Signed Certificate
O = Polycom RMX
Note: The value of CN is derived from the IP Network Service
Name, while the values of DC, OU and O are hard coded.
For a full description of these fields see RFC 5280.
Valid from Date of creation
Valid to Date of creation + 10 years
Subject (Common Name) Service Host Name
Public Key 2048 bits
Table 23-2 Self-signed Certificate - Creation (Continued)
Field Value