RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/2000/4000 Administrator’s Guide
C-18 Polycom, Inc.
Participant ID The identification number assigned to the participant by the MCU.
Participant Status The participant status, as follows:
0 -
1 -Connected
2 - Disconnected
3 - Waiting for dial-in
4 -Connecting
5 - Disconnecting
6 - Partially connected. Party has completed H.221 capability exchange
7 - Deleted by a user
8 -
Secondary. The participant could not connect the video channels and is
connected via audio only
10 - Connected with problem
11 - Redialing
Note: This field is only relevant to ISDN video participants.
The remote capabilities in H.221 format.
Note: This field is only relevant to ISDN video participants.
The remote communication mode in H.221 format.
Secondary Cause Note: This field is only relevant to ISDN video participants and only if the
Participant Status is Secondary.
The cause for the secondary connection (not being able to connect the video
channels), as follows:
0 - Default
11 - The incoming video parameters are not compatible with the conference
video parameters
12 - H.323 card failure
13 - The conference video settings are not compatible with the endpoint
14 - The new conference settings are not compatible with the endpoint
Table C-11 Event fields for Event 5 - ISDN/PSTN PARTICIPANT CONNECTED (Continued)
Field Description