Check Remedy
Is the projector volume set to the minimum? Adjust the volume so that sound can be heard.
s Settings - Volume p.178
s "Adjusting the Volume" p.66
Is the volume for the computer or from the image source set to the
Adjust the volume so that sound can be heard.
Is A/V Mute active? Press the [A/V Mute] button on the remote control to cancel A/V Mute.
s "Hiding the Image and Sound Temporarily (A/V Mute)" p.141
Is the audio cable's specification "No resistance"? When using a commercially available audio cable, make sure it is labeled "No resistance".
Is it connected with an HDMI cable? If no audio is output when connecting via an HDMI cable, set the connected equipment to PCM output.
Is Output audio from the projector selected?
(Only when projecting USB Display)
Click All Programs - EPSON Projector - Epson USB Display - Epson USB Display Vx.xx Settings, and then select
Output audio from the projector.
Is the correct audio input selected? Check the Audio Output, HDMI1 Audio Output, and HDMI2 Audio Output settings from the Configuration menu.
s Extended - A/V Settings p.179
There is Noise in the Audio (Only when Projecting USB Display)
Check Remedy
Is the volume for the computer set to minimum while the projector's
volume is set to maximum?
The audio may contain noise if the volume for the computer is set to minimum while the projector's volume is set to
maximum. Increase the volume for the computer, and decrease the volume for the projector.
s Settings - Volume p.178
The Remote Control Does Not Work
Check Remedy
Is the remote control light-emitting area pointing towards the
remote receiver on the projector during operation?
Point the remote control towards the remote receiver during operation.
s "Remote Control Operating Range" p.21
Is the remote control too far from the projector? The operating range for the remote control is about 6 m.
s "Remote Control Operating Range" p.21
Problem Solving