Sub-menu Function
UNC Address
Sets the network folder name in UNC "\\host name\share name".
Set an IP address or a NetBIOS name as the host name. You can
enter up to 63 single-byte alphanumeric characters (you cannot
use " * + , :; < = > ? [ ] ` | and spaces).
• When an IP address is set as the host name,
CIFS protocol is used to communicate with
the file sharing server. If a routing configura‐
tion is used for TCP protocol on the network,
the subnet is skipped and communication is
performed beyond the subnet.
• When a NetBIOS name is set as the host
name, SMB protocol is used to communicate
with the file sharing server. To connect to the
file sharing server beyond the subnet, you
need to configure a WINS server.
s "Wireless LAN Menu" p.190
s "Wired LAN Menu" p.194
User name
Set the user name that has read/write access authority for the
network folder. You can enter up to 64 single-byte alphanumeric
characters (you cannot use spaces). If you also need to enter a
domain name, add the domain name before the user name
separated by a backslash.
Enter a password for the user name. You can enter up to 64
single-byte alphanumeric characters. When the password is
entered and Setup complete is selected, the value is set and
displayed as an asterisk (*).
Check Connec‐
Performs a connection check.
Mail Menu
Sub-menu Function
SMTP Server
Select the mail server by specifying a host name or IP address.
You can enter up to 63 single-byte alphanumeric characters (you
cannot use " * + , ; < = > ?[ \ ] ` | : and spaces).
When specifying a host name, you need a DNS server on the
s "Wireless LAN Menu" p.190
"Wired LAN Menu" p.194
When specifying an IP address, you can enter a number from 0 to
255 in each field. However, the following IP addresses cannot be
127.x.x.x, 192.0.2.x, to (where x is a
number from 0 to 255)
Set the authentication method for the mail server.
Port Number
You can input the port number for the SMTP server. The default
value is 25. You can input numbers between 1 to 65535.
List of Functions