
6. GUI orientation
6.8 Conguration Menu > Device area
This part of the System conguration page a llows to list devices available o n the local network and identify the devices.
There are 3 tabs in this section:
Devices in use: Lists the devices in the selec ted System. If multiple Systems are present, the list
will display the devices in the selected system
Discovered: Lists the discovered devices on the loc al network re gardless of the selected System.
Simulated: List of simulated devices we support will be shown, regardless of the selected System.
This is p ost release 1 feature. Note: When this tab is selected, the Event Master Control Software
will continuously send a UDP broadcast over the network to locate devices (every 5 seconds)
Next to the device name an LED indicates the status of the unit:
Yellow : Found in network but not assigned
Green: A ssigned and currently has an open or active com munication port
Red: Assigned but currently has errors trying to communicate (heart beat communication failure,
TCP connection dropp ed, etc. )
Orange: There is a conguration er ror with the unit:
- Input / Output cards not right justied. Refer to the corresponding section below of the card
placement rules and error color co de.
- Input / Output conguration mismatch with the actual unit. Refer to the corresponding
conguration section of the card placem ent rules and error color c ode.
How to add a device into the selected system?
1. Left click on the device to be assigned to the selected system.
2. Drag it to the System diagram area.
Image 6-7
How to manually add a device into the selected system?
To manually add a device, use the “Manual Add” section.
1. Select the type of device from the drop down (showing list of supported dev ices).
2. Enter the IP address.
3. Press the “Add” button.
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