6. GUI orientation
6.33 Mu ltiviewer Menu > Adjustment area > Output Color
In this section, the user can mo dify the color attributes (window b orders, window UMD, output background) of each multiviewer
Each output has its own color adjustments. T here are 2 buttons to select the output window that the color adjustments are applied.
There are 3 tabs inside the c olor panel:
• Border: Adjusts the Window border color.
• UMD Background: A djust the image window’s UMD background c olor.
• Output Background: A djust the disp lay background color.
The color controls under the 3 tabs are identical and op erate similar as the color adjustments in other me nus.
• The selected c olor is shown in the Current Color bar. The
color can also be stored by clicking in one of the square
boxes a t the bottom of the menu next to the Lear n button.
These bo xes ar e quick shortcuts to select that color.
• Another way to specify a color is to click on the Color
wheel. The slider values will change accordingly as the
mouse moves around the color wheel.
• Learn: Provides a method to store custom colors. To learn
a new color:
a) Pick a color to save by using color wheel or by adjusting
the R/G/B.
b) Click Learn button.
c) Click any one of the five boxes on the right.
d) The color that was picked is now stored in selected box.
R5905948 E2 12/12/2014