7. System Setup
7.11 Configuration Menu > Add Background(s)
In this procedure, you will assign Backgrounds from the input connector(s).
• Ensure that you are familiar with the Configuration Menu. For details on this menu, please refer to chapter "Configuration
Menu", page 76
If m ore than one background is utilized, repeat the below steps until all backgrounds are added and adjusted.
Add Background
1. Click on the Background tab to select the input that will be assigned as a background.
2. Click on the +Add Backg round blue button to enter the Add mode.
3. Click on the connector that the background signal is c onnected to de fine it as a background. If the background spans into m ultiple
connectors, click on all connector before you proceed.
4. Click on the “Done Adding” b utton to exit the Add mode.
(Optional) Edit the Name
1. Double click on default name in the Name list to edit the name.
2. When the area turns blue, click the eraser icon to clear the field.
3. Type a new name.
(Optional) Adjust Background Parameters
Click on the Adjust tab that is located on the top. From this menu you can adjust:
1. Select Format value, color space and connector type. Default value is 1920x1080p @ 59.94.
2. Select the background orientation, vertical or horizontal.
3. Select EDID format (for DVI, HDMI and DisplayPort inputs).
4. Select HDCP mode (for DVI, HDMI and DisplayPort inputs).
5. Select color space, capacity and type (for SD I inputs).
6. Perform color adjustments.
7. Read all timing parameters associated with the selected forma t.
(Optional) Delete Backgrounds
1. Click on the blue b utton Delete Backgrounds.
2. From the Name list click on the “x” space ne xt to the Background(s) you wish to delete.
3. Hit the red button Delete Backgrou nd(s) button. A ll of the selected Back ground will be removed from the list.
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