3. General
Defines a connection with four signals, to transmit video and sync information. Vertical and hor izontal sy nc are combined on a single
Defines a connection with three signals, to transmit video and sync information. Here, the sync information is transmitted on the
green channel.
An electronic circuit that reduces or enlarges source images, thus creating PIPs and Keys that can be pos
itioned (and transitioned).
SD-SDI (Standard Definition Serial Digital Interface)
SD-SDI is a standard d efi nition SDI signal with a data rate of 270 Mbit/s only (SMPTE 259M ). E xample forma ts are 480i an d 525i.
SDI (Serial Digital Video)
A digital representation of the video signal that is dis tributed via a single coaxial cable with BNC connectors.
Refers to E2.
Also kn own as a Fader, the T-Bar is the lever on a switcher that manually controls the progress of an effect. The position of t he fader
controls the amount of the BG (Background) Bus signal and the PVW (Preview) Bu
s signal that contributes to the mix, wipe or key.
A Wipe is a transition between two video sou rces that uses a selected pattern to determine the edge between the two sources.
Y/C is a video signal in which color and brightness information is transmitted separately (luminance Y, chrominance C).
R5905948 E2 12/12/2014