6. GUI orientation
Once the picture is selected it is shown in the thumbnail area. Pictures are associated w ith inputs. If an input is deleted, then the
picture also will be deleted
How to delete sources
To Delete Sour ce s:
1. Click on the Delete Source(s) button.
The Delete Source(s) button turns in red and the delete icon (“x”) appears next to the copy icon on each element of the source
Image 6-35
2. Select the sources that you desire to delete and click the Delete Source(s) button.
The selected sources are removed.
How to hide Inputs
To hide the inputs from the list:
1. Check the Hide Inputs box.
Sources are displayed without their associated Inputs.
Image 6-36
In this menu, B ackgrounds definedintheConfiguration menu are assigned to des tinations. B ack grounds and destinations need to
have the same number of connectors. For example, if a background is defined as an input with 3 connectors, then the destination
must also have 3 c onnectors. Also, the same 3-input connector background can be as signed to three single destination outputs.
List view
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