
6. GUI orientation
Source (List View)
Resolution: This is the resolution of the Input signal.
The LE D color indicates the status of the input:
- Red: Sy nc is missing or invalid format.
- G reen: Sync is valid.
Allows for a snapshot to be taken and store it as Still.
Adds Sources based on the inputs. A total of 256 are
allowed per input.
Copies the Sou rce into a new Source and adds it in
the list
Source (Thumbnail View)
Thumbnails are sent from the E 2 to the GUI.
Behavior is sim ilar to the List View mode (see above).
Each thumbnail could be refreshed individually by pressing
the refresh button on the right s ide of the input.
All thumbnails are refreshed by pressing the Refresh All
Thumbnail button on the top.
In addition, by c l
icking in thumbnail area images can be imported using the via the le picker menu. The picker can se lect pictures
with the BMP, JPG or PNG format.
R5905948 E2 12/12/2014