6. GUI orientation
6.5 Screen layout presentation
The user interface is o rganized ar ound a Me nu Na vigation bar at the left of the screen and a Working area in the rest of the screen.
The layout of the screens is similar throughout the GUI.
In order to explain the layout, we will examine the start-up screen of the Configu ration Menu and describe it’s the different compo-
nents. The screens for the other menus follow the same structure and flow.
Image 6-1
1 Menu navigation bar
2 Title bar
Selection area
4 Diagram area
Modifier area
Configuration area
Menu navigation bar
On the far left hand side of the screen is the Menu Navigation bar that allows users to navigate between the different screens and
save or restore s yst e m configurations. This a rea of the screen is always visible and remains unchanged. The available buttons on
the Menu Navigation bar are:
• System Configuration: allows access to System Configuration Menu.
• Programming: a llows access to Programming Menu.
• Multiviewer:allowaccesstoMultiviewer Menu.
• E2 built-in web page.
• System Save and Restore.
Title bar
On the top of the working area a title bar indicates the name of the selected p age (e.g. System configuration).
Selection area
The s election ar ea allows the users to select the System, De vice or inputs that will be used.
Diagram area
In the middle, is the Diagram area where the system , Screens and Multiviewer are represented graphically.
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