6. GUI orientation
Layer adjustment panel > Layer Effects adjustment
• RGB Contrast and Brightness settings are adjustable within
a range of 0% to 200%. The default setting for all o f these
properties is 100%.
• Gamm a is adjustable within a range of 0.3 t o 3.28. The
default setting is 1.0.
• Hue is adjustable within a range of -180 to +180 degrees.
The default setting is 0 degrees.
• Gamm a is adjustable within a range of 0.3 t o 3.28. The
default setting is 1.0.
• Saturation is adjustable within a range o f 0% to 200%. The
default setting is 0%.
• Monochrom e: Toggle this button to turn the source video’s
chroma component on and off. When off, the im age is
completely monochrome;
• Invert: Toggle this button to t urn the color “invert” function
on and off. When on, all image colors are inverted.
• Reset All: Returns a ll va lues to their default se ttings.
• Strobe: Toggles the strobe function on and off. When
On, adjust the strobe Rate interval (in frames) to set the
duration that the source is frozen until the next grab.
• Flip: Flips the image within the P IP:
- Off: T he image is displayed in its original orientation.
-H:toflip the image horizontally, along the Y axis.
- V: Flips the image v ertically, along the X axis.
- H/V: Flip the image both horizontally and vertically,
along the X and Y axes.
• Freeze: Enables or disables the freeze action.
Note that almost all c olor correction effects (except “invert”)
work on a keyframe by keyframe ba sis. This enables you to
morph effects from keyframe to Keyframe.
R5905948 E2 12/12/2014