5. Front Panel Menu orientation
5.4 About Status menu
The Status M enu is the E2’s top-level menu, which appears by default at system startup. This m enu provides system name, Unit ID,
Genlock s tatus and E2 IP address. The following figu re illustrates a sample Stat us Menu. Press the ESC button w h en the Setup
menu is displayed allows to return in the Status menu.
Image 5-6
Status menu
System name
Human readable name of the current E2 sy stem. Particularly useful in the us er interface when multiple E2 system are connected in
the same network.
System1 is the default value. This nam e ca n be changed in the configuration page of the G UI. For m ore details please refer to the
section dedicated to the E 2 configuration in the c hapter "Configuration Menu", page 76.
Unit ID
ID required to identify different units are ac ting as a single system in ord er to expand for Inputs, Outputs or Layers.
This ID can be c hanged in the configuration page of the GUI. For more de
tails please r efer to the section dedicated to the E2
config uration in the chapter "Configuration Menu", page 76.
This line gives information about the Genlock connection situated at the back of the E2 system. F or m ore detail on this connection
please refer to the section dedicated to the Genlock Input BNC in the chapter"Rear panel", page 32.
The user co uld turn Genlock O FF or O N in the configuration page of the GUI. E2 will determine what kind of G enlock is connected
and will update the Status field. The status field can say “Locked”, “Lost Lock” or “Free Run”. For more details please refer to the
section dedicated to the E2 configuration in the chapter "System Setup", page 157.
IP address
IP address of the E2 system in the local network.
If there is no internet connection, or if a DHCP ser
ver has not been found, the IP address is The IP address is
needed for running the Web Interface and for connection to an external device. For more details please refer to the sec tion dedicated
to the setting of Ethernet options in the chapter "About the Sys tem menu", page 52
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