M851 WristApp Design Guide Rev 1.2
Timex Corporation 86
The diagram shows the inputs that should be handled by each state handler. This can also serve as a
checklist to confirm that all system events are handled.
• Arrows pointing to a state is handled as a State Entry event in the pointed (destination) state.
• Arrows pointing away from a state indicates the event that is processed by the state handler. If it
points back to the same state, it means that no state change is required. Lines and arrows pointing
to another state indicates that the event should also request for a state change.
• Dotted lines indicate a watch activity that is not controlled by the application such as a popup
operation. When a popup is complete through a popdown, the dotted line away from the popup
state indicates where it should go back. States with no dotted lines indicates that popups are not
allowed to occur. By convention, popups are suspended when the foreground state is either the set
banner state or set state.
• Lines going to the state NEXT MODE is handled through a mode change.
5.2.2 Banner State
The banner state should handle the
following cases:
• Handle the system event STATEENTRY
and do the following:
• Allow popups to occur. But
popdown should directly proceed
to the default state.
• Request for a 1.5 second hi-res
go to the next mode.
the default state.
• Handle STOPRESETDEPRESS to go to
the default state.
• When hi-res timeout expires, proceed to
the default state.