
Display = Rate as draw?.
If you press ENTER, the rating will be displayed.
If you press ˘:
Display = Rate as win?.
If you press ENTER, the rating will be displayed.
If you press ˘:
Display = Machine wins?.
If you press ENTER, the rating will be displayed.
If you press ˘:
The display will cycle back to Rate as draw?.
In order to obtain a rating, you
answer one of the above
questions with ENTER! If you
do not
want the game to be rated for
any reason, press CLEAR in answer to any of the above questions.
The computer will confirm by displaying Game not rated.
5.4 Speed Chess Levels
Level Total Time per Game Display
81.............. 5 minutes per game ................... < 5 min/game>
82.............. 7 minutes per game ................... < 7 min/game>
83..............10 minutes per game ................... <10 min/game>
84..............15 minutes per game ................... <15 min/game>
85..............20 minutes per game ................... <20 min/game>
86..............30 minutes per game ................... <30 min/game>
87..............45 minutes per game ................... <45 min/game>
88..............60 minutes per game ................... <60 min/game>
89..............90 minutes per game ................... <90 min/game>
90............100 minutes per game ................... <100 min/game>
On the Speed Chess Levels, you set the total time for the whole
game. If the game time is exceeded, the computer displays which
side has lost on time, as in White time out. For these levels,
you may want to activate the Countdown Clock option to show the
countdown time instead of the elapsed time (see Section 4.5).
5.5 Problem Solving Levels
Level Problem Display
91.................... Mate in 1 move....................... < Mate in 1 >
92.................... Mate in 2 moves ..................... < Mate in 2 >
93.................... Mate in 3 moves ..................... < Mate in 3 >
94.................... Mate in 4 moves ..................... < Mate in 4 >
95.................... Mate in 5 moves ..................... < Mate in 5 >
96.................... Mate in 6 moves ..................... < Mate in 6 >