XS712T Smart Switch
To modify protocol based VLAN information:
1. Select the check box next to the protocol-based VLAN to update.
2. S
pecify the desired value in the available fields.
3. Click App
To delete a protocol based VLAN group:
1. Select th
e check box next to each protocol-based VLAN to remove.
2. Click Dele
Protocol Based VLAN Group Membership
The protocol based VLAN group membership screen is used to define a protocol based
VLAN group.
To set up protocol based VLAN group membership:
1. Select Switch
ing VLAN Advanced Protocol Based VLAN Group Membership.
2. Select the protocol-based VLAN Group ID for which you want to display or configure data in
the Group ID drop-down menu.
3. Click
the orange bar to display the port list. Use this port list to add the ports you selected to
this Protocol Based VLAN Group.
Note that a given interface can only belong to one group for a given protocol. If you have
lready added a port to a group for IP, you cannot add it to another group that also
includes IP, although you could add it to a new group for IPX.
The Group Name field identifies the name for the protocol-based VLAN you selected. It
can b
e up to 16 alphanumeric characters long, including blanks.
4. Click App
5. Click Current Members but
ton to view the current members of the selected protocol based
VLAN Group.