XS712T Smart Switch
Persistent Configuration
Use this screen to configure the persistent location of the DHCP snooping bindings database.
The bindings database can be stored locally on the device or on a remote system
somewhere else in the network. The device must be able to reach the IP address of the
remote system to send bindings to a remote database.
To configure DHCP snooping persistent settings:
1. Select System
Services DHCP Snooping Persistent Configuration.
The DHCP Snooping Persistent Configuration screen displays.
2. Specify where the DHCP snooping bindings database is located.
• Local. Th
e binding table will be stored locally on the switch.
• Remote.
The binding table will be stored on a remote TFTP server.
If the database is stored on a remote server:
a. S
pecify the IP address of the TFTP server.
b. S
pecify the file name of the DHCP snooping bindings database in which the bindings
are stored.
3. Next to W
rite Delay, specify the amount of time to wait between writing bindings information
to persistent storage.
The delay allows the device to collect as many entries as possible (new and removed)
e writing them to the persistent file.
4. Click Apply.