XS712T Smart Switch
Use the Traceroute utility to discover the paths that a packet takes to a remote destination.
To trace a route to an IPv4 address or host:
1. Select Main
tenance Troubleshooting TraceRoute.
2. In the Hostname/IP Address field, specify the IP address or the hostname of the station you
want the switch to ping.
The initial value is blank. This informatio
n is not retained across a power cycle.
3. Configu
re the following settings:
• Pro
bes Per Hop. Specify the number of times each hop should be probed. The valid
range is 1–10.
• Max
TTL. Specify the maximum time-to-live for a packet in number of hops. The valid
range is 1–255.
• InitTTL.
Specify the initial time-to-live for a packet in number of hops. The valid range
is 1–255.
• Max
Fail. Specify the maximum number of failures allowed in the session. The valid
range is 0–255.
• Interval.
Specify the time between probes in seconds. The valid range is 1–60.
• Port. S
pecify the UDP destination port in probe packets. The valid range is 1–65535.
• Size.
Specify the size of probe packets. The valid range is 0–65507.
4. Click Apply
to initiate the traceroute.
The results are displayed in the TraceRoute area.