XS712T Smart Switch
Priority = (facility value × 8) + severity level.
The facility value is usually one, which means it is a
user-level message. Therefore, to
determine the severity level of the message, subtract eight from the number in the angle
brackets. The example log message has a severity level of 6 (informational). For more
information about the severity of a log message, see Server Log on
page 252.
The message was generated on March 24 at 5:34:05 a.m by the switch with an IP address of
1.12.183. The component that generated the message is unknown, but it came from
line 179 of the main_login.c file. This is the 3,855
message logged since the switch was last
booted. The message indicates that the administrator logged onto the HTTP management
interface from a host with an IP address of
Use the buttons at the bottom of the screen to perform the following actions:
• Click Clear t
o clear the messages out of the buffered log in the memory.
• Click Ref
resh to update the screen with the latest messages in the log.
The FLASH log is a log that is stored in persistent storage, which means that the log
messages are retained across a switch reboot.
Either the system startup log or the system operation log stores a message received by the
subsystem that meets the storage criteria, but not both. On system startup, if the startup
log is configured, it stores messages up to its limit. The operation log, if configured, then
begins to store the messages.
Use the FLASH Log screen to enable or disable pe
rsistent logging and to set the severity
To configure the FLASH log settings:
1. Select Moni
toring Logs > FLASH Log.
2. Select the radio buttons in the Admin Status field to determine whether to log messages to
persistent storage.
• Enable.
Enables persistent logging.
• Disable.
Prevents the system from logging messages in persistent storage.