XS712T Smart Switch
To configure PVID information:
1. Select Switching VLAN Advanced Port PVID Configuration.
2. To configure PVID settings for a physical port, enter the interface and click Go to select that
particular interface.
3. Select the interfaces for
which you want to configure the PVID settings:
• T
o configure PVID settings for a Link Aggregation Group (LAG), click LAGS.
• T
o configure PVID settings for both physical ports and LAGs, click ALL.
4. Select the check box
next to the interfaces to configure.
You can select multiple interfaces to apply the same setting to the selected interfaces.
Select the
check box in the heading row to apply the same settings to all interfaces.
5. Configu
re the PVID to assign to untagged or priority tagged frames received on this port.
6. S
pecify how you want the port to handle untagged and priority tagged frames.
Whichever you select, VLAN tagged frames will be fo
rwarded in accordance with the
IEEE 802.1Q VLAN standard. The factory default is Admit All.
• VLAN Only. The
port will discard any untagged or priority tagged frames it receives.
• Admit All.
Untagged and priority tagged frames received on the port will be accepted
and assigned the value of the Port VLAN ID for this port.
7. S
pecify how you want the port to handle tagged frames: