XS712T Smart Switch
- Destination L4 Keyword. Select the desired L4 keyword from a list of destination
ports on which the rule can be based.
- Destination L4 Port Number. If the destination L4 keyword is Other, enter a
user-defined Port ID by which packets are matched to the rule.
• Service Type. Select one of the Service Type match conditions for the extended IP
ACL rule. The possible values are IP DSCP, IP precedence, and IP TOS, which are
alternative ways of specifying a match criterion for the same Service Type field in the
IP header, however each uses a different user notation. After you select the service
type, specify the value associated with the type.
- IP DSCP. Specify the IP DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) value. The DSCP is defined
as the high-order six bits of the Service Type octet in the IP header. Select an IP
DSCP value from the menu. To specify a numeric value in the available field,
select Other from the menu and type an integer from 0 to 63 in the field.
- IP Precedence. The IP Precedence field in a packet is defined as the high-order
three bits of the Service Type octet in the IP header. This is an optional
configuration. Enter an integer from 0 to 7.
- IP TOS Bits. Matches on the Type of Service bits in the IP header when checked.
In the first TOS field, specify the two-digit hexadecimal TOS number. The second
field is for the TOS Mask, which specifies the bit positions that are used for
comparison against the IP TOS field in a packet. The TOS Mask value is a
two-digit hexadecimal number from 00 to ff, representing an inverted (wildcard)
mask. The zero-valued bits in the TOS Mask denote the bit positions in the TOS
Bits value that are used for comparison against the IP TOS field of a packet. For
example, to check for an IP TOS value having bits 7 and 5 set and bit 1 clear,
where bit 7 is most significant, use a TOS Bits value of a0 and a TOS Mask of 00.
6. Click Apply.
To modify the match criteria for an ACL rule:
1. From the ACL Name list on the Extended ACL Rules screen, select the ACL that includes
the rule to update.
2. In the Extended ACL Rule Table, click the rule ID.
The rule ID is a hyperlink to the Extended ACL Rule Configuration screen.
3. Modify the ACL rule information.
4. Click Apply.
To delete and IP ACL rule:
1. In the Extended ACL Rule Table on the IP Rules screen, select the check box associated
with the rule to remove.
2. Click Delete.
An IPv6 ACL consists of a set of rules which are matched sequentially against a packet.
When a packet meets the match criteria of a rule, the specified rule action (Permit/Deny) is